Symptom Yellow Leaves

Nitrogen Deficiency

Nitrogen Deficiency 1

Problem:A cannabis nitrogen deficiency will cause the older, lower leaves on your plant to turn yellow, wilt away and eventually die. The plant typically appears pale or lime-colored. The yellow leaves of a nitrogen deficiency may show signs of brown,…

Root Problems

Root Problems 3

Cannabis Plants With Root Problems Show Many Symptoms Example of extreme overwatering on an adult cannabis plant This seedling was being grown in pure perlite, which is not a suitable growing medium for cannabis, and as a result the roots…

Manganese Deficiency

Manganese Deficiency 6

Problem: Leaves may become yellow in between the veins, with mottled brown spots on the affected leaves. These brown dead patches may spread and eventually kill the leaf. Leaves may also shred and fall apart. Overall growth of the marijuana…

Molybdenum Deficiency

Molybdenum Deficiency 8

Problem: The initial symptoms may appear similar to a nitrogen deficiency (yellowing of older, lower leaves). Leaves may become mottled or spotted. However, the tell-tale sign of a molybdenum deficiency is the leaves may start to display a unique orange,…


Under-watering 10

Issue: If your plant is sagging, then it’s normally an indication of either over or under-watering. Skip the over/under-watering of your cannabis plants and DIY your own cannabis hydroponics system. Marijuana Underwatering Signs If your soil or soilless medium looks…

Zinc Deficiency

Zinc Deficiency 12

Issue: With a marijuana zinc deficiency, more youthful leaves start yellowing in between the veins. Leaf suggestions get tarnished and begin passing away. The leaves might handle a unique banded look and the plant might stop growing vertically. There might…

Iron Deficiency

Iron Deficiency 14

Problem: A cannabis iron deficiency is usually seen first on bright yellow new leaves, and the symptoms of a cannabis iron deficiency can sometimes appear alongside other cannabis nutrient problems or deficiencies. An iron deficiency is usually caused by problems…

Boron Deficiency

Boron Deficiency 17

Problem: A boron deficiency in cannabis is relatively rare unless a plant is underwatered or in a really dry environment, and is usually accompanied by other types of nutrient or pH problems that appear as problems with theleaves. The first…

Copper Deficiency

Copper Deficiency 19

Problem: A cannabis copper deficiency appears with leaf symptoms such as dark leaves that take on blue or even purple undertones. The tips and edges of leaves turn pale yellow or white in stark contrast to the rest of the…

Cannabis Plant Wind Burn

Cannabis Plant Wind Burn 21

Having trouble with wind burn ruining your plants? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many novice and experienced cannabis growers alike have experienced the pain of windburn and have had to deal with its effects on their plants. I understand the…

Potassium Deficiency

Potassium Deficiency 23

What Does a Marijuana Potassium Deficiency Appear Like? Leaf Issue / Signs: With a cannabis potassium deficiency, you’ll normally see signs on older leaves, however not constantly. In some cases you’ll see the signs at the top of the plant.…

pH Fluctuations

pH Fluctuations 25

Quick Summary: Handling pH is vital for marijuana plants to be able to use up nutrients through their roots. When the pH around the roots leaps up and down, it can worry the plant and trigger brown areas to appear…